September's Challenge

Dear Fellow Cubes,

Welcome to the first challenge that shall be held by the Tumblin' Cubes community!

Since this is new, and the game is in its early state, the challenge is simple. Complete the entire game with no Stage Select, or beat the entire Stage05!

The person who beats the entire game with no Stage Select shall be awarded a Custom Skin, Secret Area, and have their Name In The Credits for their hard efforts and being superbly cool.

The person who just beats Stage05, in the other hand, shall get their Name In The Credits for their efforts and being amazing.

To send in your valiant attempts, mail OR showcase your valorous skills to me in person!

Good Luck To You All! This challenge shall end once the winners are picked! (It will also end at the end of this month, so be quick!)

- LordVoloki

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